Monday, December 22, 2014
Monday, December 15, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
9 Ways To Be The Best Girlfriend He Has Ever Had
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9 Ways To Be The Best Girlfriend He Has Ever Had |
Monday, December 1, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Seven Ways to Identify Healthy Love
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Seven Ways to Identify Healthy Love |
1. Better Understanding of Love – Here's the difference between “like” and “love.” If you like someone you appreciate some traits they possess, but whether their life goes awry or not, doesn't have a direct connection to you or on your life. However, when you love someone and you identify it as so, you're making a solid commitment to that individual. In a healthy relationship this commitment is shared.
2. Common, Shared Purpose - For a long term relationship to work out and remain healthy, you must share a common purpose. Each other's success is intertwined and leads to a shared goal.
3. Patience - The beginning of any relationship requires a period of adjustment. Patience is the key to this. However, as the relationship progresses further, you must both exhibit patience with each other. This doesn't mean if he is mistreating you, it's urgent for you to be patient as he will change.
4. Honest Communication – Communication is the key to all great and healthy relationships. Although there will be days when you want to snap and snarl at each other, you should remain honest throughout the relationship.
5. Mutual Consideration - Consideration for each other's feelings is necessary in all relationships. Here’s not the trust things will not always go your way, nor will they always go his. But this doesn't mean either of you should feel unloved at any time. Frustration and even annoyance is natural. It happens. However, in all of your actions and his as well, there must be mutual respect.
6. Loyalty – Being loyal in any type of relationship is important. Loyalty isn't about faithfulness only. Loyalty encompasses the trust and faith you have in each other in all decisions. It implies that you have each other's back and provide support throughout the relationship.
7. Fun Together Fun Alone – In a relationship there must be fun and there must be a balance between time together and time alone.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Seven Ways To Catch His Attention and Keep It
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Seven Ways To Catch His Attention and Keep It |
1. Smile – One of the best ways to smile when he is seeing you it just seems to be easy but you have to hold that smile for several seconds. If he ask you the reason that what to smile about ready with the attractive answer.
2. Lean Forward – When a guy talks to you can give him the message that what he is saying you are interested in it. We all love a guy who open his heart and share his thought with us.
3. Wear Red – This must be surprising to but men really get attracted to those girls first who wear red. Don’t know the reason behind it may be this is because men struggle with a degree of colour and blindness and this bright bold colour.
4. Wear Your Hair Down – Most of the men not all like long hair so this is the time for hair down.
5. Laugh At His Jokes – Most men can’t resist a woman who he can entertain. There is the bit of a little boy in most men. Men love the challenge of seeing if he can make someone laugh and when you do.
6. Wink - A flirtatious little wink will certainly catch a man’s attention It gives him the message that you noticed him and you like what you see. This is a great way to put the ball in a man’s court, too. One little wink isn’t so hard to manage. This is an easy way you can turn it back to him and wait and see what he does next.
7. Don’t Speak First – This is a game give a guy a smile and just wait. If you speak first you lose. If you wait and just continue give him a pretty smile when he looks your way you are guaranteed to be noticed.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Seven Signs He is Getting Serious About You
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Seven Signs He is Getting Serious About You |
1. He is Transparent - You don’t have to ask him how was his day or where did he go or with whom, he tells you about all these details himself and he never feels the need to hide anything from you.
2. He Introduced You To His Loved Ones – He is very serious about you he just want to show you off and he will introduce you to all of his loved once.
3. He Makes Time For You – Man who is serious about you will always give time to you no matter if he is busy and accept same from you.
4. He Wants To Know You Better – He has a genuine desire to get to know you better, he wants to know what your hopes and dreams are.
5. He Doesn’t Play Mind Games With You - If your boyfriend says that he will meet you at a certain hour, then he will drop everything and he will do everything in his power to do that. Someone who is serious about you doesn’t play mind games with you and he doesn’t torment you by saying one thing and doing another.
6. He Listens To You – If he is really interested in you, then he will listen to everything you say and always respect you. He always talks to you when he feels confused.
7. He Include You In Other Interests - When a guy is serious about you, he will want to share everything with you so he will include you in his other interests. If his hobby is playing tennis, then he will want you to join him - and if you don’t know how to play tennis, then he will be more than happy to teach you this sport.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Seven Surprising Things That Really Matter To Men
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Seven Surprising Things That Really Matter To Men |
1. Your Smile - Your smile is something that your man loves to see. Having a happy woman in his life is one of the things that really matter to men. If you are happy, they feel like they are doing their job well as a boyfriend or husband.
2. Respect - Respect is a big deal with guys. It matters lot to them in a relationship. It is a really big deal to them when it comes to being respected on the job. Men love to receive respect for his love once it would be more loveable to him if his soul mate would respect him.
3. Compliments On His Work - Men enjoy when people notice their work. Simply put, compliments that matters to him. Like if they help you out in a work or do work for his parents compliment him that will encourage him and he would just love it.
4. Appreciation - Going right along with compliments, men appreciate appreciation. Hearing thank you can make a man feel as happy as hearing I love you makes a woman feel. Men just love to listen thank you from people those he helps or gift something.
5. Time To Think - Men do not think as fast as we do. They need time to process. This is true when it comes to most decisions in their life. They tend to weigh things out more in their minds than women do. Women tend to know what they think almost immediately about any given situation.
6. Hearing You Laugh - Just like men like to see you smile, they love to hear you laugh. It tells them things are good and you are happy. They feel like they are making you happy when you laugh often.
7. You Looking Your Best - Most of guys appreciate when you make an effort to look your best. This does not mean that you have to be a supermodel or that you must look like you are a Barbie doll. Most guys love a girl that looks real, such as most of us are. But they do enjoy when you try to look your best for them.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Seven Tips On How To Stand Up To Peer Pressure
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Seven Tips On How To Stand Up To Peer Pressure |
1. Dismiss Their Request - One of the most important things you should do if you want to learn how to stand up to peer pressure is to simply dismiss your friends request. Just tell them that you are not interested, the end. This technique works best in situations when you are offered something you don’t want, like drugs or alcohol.
2. No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent - You don’t have to do what your so-called friends are doing just to feel important, loved or accepted. Just do what you think is right and what makes you feel good about yourself.
3. Just Say No - Even if you think that this can be very difficult sometimes, it actually isn’t. Just say no! Say no to drugs, alcohol, and smoking, stealing or unprotected sex. Say no once and if your friends keep bothering you, just walk away.
4. Surround Yourself With Better People - Just get rid of those toxic friends and surround yourself with people who inspire you and who are a good influence in your life.
5. Use Avoidance - If you can’t find the courage to tell them personally that you don’t want to be their friend anymore. If there are certain peers or colleagues that you feel that are constantly pushing you, just stop hanging out with them.
6. Make Jokes - This is another very clever way to turn down a request from one of your so-called friends. Just use humor and turn that request into a joke.
7. Turn The Pressure Around – Use this opportunities to change other people attitude. This attitude will not only save you from peer pressure, but you will also be able to have a positive impact on someone else’s life, this way, helping someone you really care about.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Seven Great Text Messages Your Guy Would Love To Receive From You
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Seven Great Text Messages Your Guy Would Love To Receive From You |
1. You Are My Hero - This is one of the top messages your guy would love to receive from you. Every guy wants to know that he is a hero to his girl. There are tons of reasons that you could feel this way. The important thing is that you let him know this is how you feel about him.
2. You Are So Hot – This is the text that will absolutely make his day because no one is there who doesn’t love to receive this type of text. Give him this type of compliment like if he has beautiful eyes tell him you love them he will love the detail you give him about what you love.
3. I Can’t Wait To See You - Let him know you love being with him. Sending this simple little text will tell him how awesome you think he is. It lets him know that you enjoy every minute of his company. Guys love to know they are making the girl in their life happy.
4. I am Thinking About You – He will definitely love to receive this type of text from you. This is a great way to flirt with him and get him to answer back and ask what you are thinking. A little mystery is always good for relationship.
5. I Miss You - This is a simple and sweet text to send to your guy. This is one you want to use carefully, though. If you are only beginning to see each other exclusively, you may want to hold back on it for a bit. He could feel rushed or pressured in your relationship. But if you are a couple definitely committed to one another, this will remind him just why he loves you so much.
6. I Love Your Sexy Voice – Every guy love to know that his girl love his sound of his voice. Makes him feel confident about calling you since he knows you love to hear from him.
7. I Had a Great Time With You – This is the great way by which he get to know how you felt with him and it can encourage him to ask you out on another date.
Friday, October 24, 2014
How To Make Him Want You More?
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How To Make Him Want You More? |
1. Go More Natural - one of the best ways on how to make him want you more is to go more natural. Use less hair products, don’t wear crazy makeup, and don’t feel like you have to wear makeup all the time around him. Guys like to see you get dressed up, but they also prefer your natural side more than they do you being dressed up all the time, or wearing a full face of makeup around the clock. That being said, unless you’re going out for a night on the town, go more natural. Your guy will see the real you.
2. Don’t Try Too Hard - Don’t overload him with how much you’re into him. You can let him know in subtle ways without chasing him or trying too hard. Guys like to know that girls are relaxed around them and comfortable enough around them to remain low key. They also tend to like a girl who is a little shy, so don’t be too overbearing at first.
3.Don’t Appear To High Maintenance - Men who think they have to dress a certain way or provide a certain dollar amount of money to keep up with a woman’s beauty or material maintenance can lose interest very quickly. They can also lose their interest in you because they feel like your demands or needs are too much to deal with.
4. Make Him Work For Your Attention A Little - If you’re out to eat or see a movie, one of the best ways to make your guy want you more is to let him do most of the work. Let him grab your hand, steal a kiss, or open the door for you. Let him know you expect these things by not being the first one to make all the moves. Also, when you get home from a date, don’t text him right away, but let him text or call you instead.
5. Don’t Call Him First - Never call a guy first. It implies you’re more into him than he is you, and guys actually prefer to do the work in the early parts of a relationship. Let him call you instead of you calling him.
6. Make Him Laugh - Guys love a girl who can make them laugh, just like we do! When you can make a guy laugh, he'll be interested in your personality and make him want to spend more time around you.
7. Be Mysterious - Don't reveal everything about yourself right away. This includes your body as well as your personality. Guys like a little bit of mystery. If they know what they're getting right away, then there is no fun in that for him. They like the chase and finding out what there is to no - especially about your body. Don't dress too revealing, just sexy enough to make him look. Keep your relationship strong by being someone your guy wants to be around more and more.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
7 Ways To Improve Your Relationship Instantly
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7 Ways To Improve Your Relationship Instantly |
Even the strongest of relationships go through ups and downs and it takes work to bring it back on track. But if you take action and do things to show your partner they are important to you, will enhance your relationship. By taking small actions to better your bond, you will become closer and feel happier. The ways to improve your relationship so that you can create a lasting bond.
1. Write A Love Note Each Day To One Another - Dear my beloved, I cannot imagine my life without you and every day I am so thankful to wake up next to you, I think you are amazing! This simple sentence can make your partner’s day and help you develop a stronger connection. So hide a love note in your partner’s pants pocket or on their laptop. Writing a love note is one of the best ways to improve your relationship.
2. Say Something Positive About Each Other - You are the strongest man that I know, both mentally and physically and I would be lost without you! This positive statement shows your partner how you are taken back by him and that he is special to you. We all feel like we are taken for granted at times so it is nice when someone expresses to us that we are special. Try this with your sweetie to enhance your relationship.
3. Talk At Dinner – Don’t spoil your meal time by keeping quiet ask your partner about their day and get them to open up to you. They will feel closer, as a result and you will get a window into how they really feel.
4. Be Vulnerable - It is not always easy to be vulnerable and let others in but if you want to build a lasting relationship, you have to get real. Do not be afraid to let him in and he will in turn be more willing to let you in. To make a relationship last, you have to work and just be real.
5. Cook For Each Other - How romantic is it if a man cooks for you? You are so flattered and thankful because it shows that you are important to them. Cook for each other on different nights or cook together and work as a team. You can create an amazing meal when you work together.
6. Tell Him A Secret - Open up and tell your partner a secret. Make sure it is something you have wanted to tell him and open up. You will become closer by opening to one another. And he may even open up.
7. Surprise Each Other - Pay attention to the things that are important to him and pick up a few gifts that you know he will like. When your partner is having a bad day, you can surprise him with one of these gifts and brighten his day.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Nine Signs Your Smartphone Could Be Ruining Your Relationships
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Nine Signs Your Smartphone Could Be Ruining Your Relationships |
1. You Only Connect Through Your Phone - One of the biggest signs your smartphone could be ruining your relationships is if most of your socializing or connecting is done through your phone. There is a world outside the screen and your friends would love to have you back.
2. Your Text Throughout Dinner - Nothing is more frustrating than meeting friends for dinner only to sit quietly while they text. Hanging out means socializing face to face not saying hi and then chatting on your phone the rest of the evening. I personally avoid hanging out with those friends any more. Odds are, some of your own friends are avoiding you too if your phone is more important than them.
3. You Miss Important Conversation -. Many relationships suffer because one party never pays attention when their friend or partner talks to them. Instead, they're busy with their smartphone. Don't let your smartphone overshadow real live human beings who care about you.
4. You Can’t Handle Normal Interaction - Some people have grown so used to texting or chatting in apps that they no longer know how to handle normal interactions with people. Conversations become awkward and they tend to stand away from others when they're in groups. If you didn't used to be this way, the problem could be your smartphone.
5. You Need Your Phone - There was a time when no one needed to have a phone by their side 24/7. Instead, they spent quality time with friends and family. If you have a problem putting your phone down or turning it off for any real length of time, it's probably affecting your relationships as well.
6. You Become Detached - When you become too immersed in a virtual world, you tend to become more detached when living in the real world. You come off as callous, arrogant and disinterested. Friends quit wanting to talk to you because they don't think you care any more.
7. Relationships End Quickly - While we might all go through phases where dates don't turn out so well, your smartphone could be to blame in some cases.
8. People Keep Repeating Themselves - How often do have to ask your friends or family to repeat themselves because you were on your phone? While it may seem annoying to you, imagine how they feel. The more you're asking people to repeat themselves, the more obvious it should be that you need to put down your phone.
9. You Notice Friend Hanging Out Without You - Have you ever checked Facebook only to find out all your friends are out without you? If you spend most of your time checking your phone while you're out with friends, they're probably going to stop inviting you along. They honestly don't think you want to spend time with them any more. If you discover friends and family suddenly doing more things without you, you might want to curb the smartphone use.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Interesting Things to Talk With Your Girlfriend
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Interesting Things to Talk With Your Girlfriend |
But if you want to say something interesting and make her feel more connected to you, here’s what you need to keep in mind.
1. Talk About Your Future – Talk about your life, the things you want to do, your future goals and aspiration and other things along that line. Girls always like a guy who sees his future and works towards it.
2. Talk About Her Interests, Her Friends and Her Family – Ask Her about Her friends, her family and their lives, and have long conversation about her interests and the things she like to do when she’s got time on her hands.
3. Talk About Her Views On Life – All of us have our on individual views about life. But yet, we don’t share them with everyone in the world. By finding out more about her views on life you will understand her better.
4. Gossips – Daily gossip is something that’s always interesting, and she will be able to talk for a long time about things that are happening in her own life.
5. Talk about Her Secrets – Everyone loves a good secret. Do you have such secret that you don’t generally tell everyone you meet. Then share the secrets with her.
6. Your Childhood and Your Past – Childhood memories are always fun to talk about and to listen especially if it involves an embarrassing or funny incident.
7. Vacations and Date ideas – Talking about date and holidays is always a fun time in a relationship. She will love to talk about date ideas that interest her, especially when it comes to movies, restaurants and fun things to do together.
8. Compliments and Romance – Compliment your girlfriend about her dress or something special she did for you. Every girl feels appreciated and loved when she hears a genuine compliment from the guy she likes. Talk her about how beautiful she is looking on her last date, or how sweet her voice sounds over the phone.
9. Naughty Conversations – A big part of a relationship is sexual chemistry and naughty conversation. Talk dirty to her or ask her few dirty question while texting each other or talking late into the night. She may blush but she had definitely the sexual excitement you are building in the conversation.
10. Talk About Her Fears – Girls love a guy who can open up and talk about his fears. By talking about your life’s dreams and your fears, you will make your girlfriend feel closer to you because you are revealing your vulnerable side top her.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
What To Do When Your Friend Wants To Be More Than Friends?
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What To Do When Your Friend Wants To Be More Than Friends? |
What are the ways to handle a friend wanting to date you, when you don't return their interest? It's a pretty awkward situation to be in; you probably don't want to lose the friendship, yet you don't want to give them false hope either. But you can't make yourself feel the same way. Here are some ways to handle a friend wanting to date you.
1. Don’t Date Out Of Pity - One of the most important ways to handle a friend wanting to date you is to avoid dating them because you feel sorry for them. This won't do either of you any good; you won't enjoy the experience and they'll think you're genuinely interested in them. If you don't see them as potentially more than a friend dating them won't change that at all.
2. Be Honest - It's hard to tell someone who's interested in you that you don't return their interest, and it's particularly hard when that someone is your friend. But honesty is definitely the best policy. There may be some awkwardness in your friendship for a while, and there is also the risk that you won't be able to stay friends, but better that than giving your friend false hope.
3. Don’t Overreact - Even if you feel awkward or annoyed, try to keep your reaction moderate. It may have taken your friend a lot of courage to tell you that they'd like to date you. Don't freak out and tell them to keep away from you, or assume that you can never be friend again.
4. Avoid Too Much Intimacy - Be cautious about being too intimate with your friend. What you see as a friendly hug may be taken as a sign that you are interested. It's best to avoid being in situations that could easily become too intimate; try to avoid being alone with them if they keep pushing wanting to see more of you.
5. Give Them Space - If they can't handle your 'rejection', your friend may benefit from some time away from you. Nobody feels good about being turned down, but being turned down by someone you know well is more painful and embarrassing than being rejected by a stranger. Let them come back to the friendship.
6. Be Sensitive - It certainly won't do any good to let your friend think you might be interested in the future if you know you won't be. But you should try to be sensitive to how your friend is feeling.
7. Don’t Look For Substitute - Don't start dating someone else to try to put your friend off. They need to understand that you don't want relationship with them. If you start dating someone new, your friend may think that you'll be available when you split with the new guy.
It's awkward to be put in the position of having to say no, but perhaps it is better that your friend knows you're not interested in dating them, rather than keep on hoping.
1. Don’t Date Out Of Pity - One of the most important ways to handle a friend wanting to date you is to avoid dating them because you feel sorry for them. This won't do either of you any good; you won't enjoy the experience and they'll think you're genuinely interested in them. If you don't see them as potentially more than a friend dating them won't change that at all.
2. Be Honest - It's hard to tell someone who's interested in you that you don't return their interest, and it's particularly hard when that someone is your friend. But honesty is definitely the best policy. There may be some awkwardness in your friendship for a while, and there is also the risk that you won't be able to stay friends, but better that than giving your friend false hope.
3. Don’t Overreact - Even if you feel awkward or annoyed, try to keep your reaction moderate. It may have taken your friend a lot of courage to tell you that they'd like to date you. Don't freak out and tell them to keep away from you, or assume that you can never be friend again.
4. Avoid Too Much Intimacy - Be cautious about being too intimate with your friend. What you see as a friendly hug may be taken as a sign that you are interested. It's best to avoid being in situations that could easily become too intimate; try to avoid being alone with them if they keep pushing wanting to see more of you.
5. Give Them Space - If they can't handle your 'rejection', your friend may benefit from some time away from you. Nobody feels good about being turned down, but being turned down by someone you know well is more painful and embarrassing than being rejected by a stranger. Let them come back to the friendship.
6. Be Sensitive - It certainly won't do any good to let your friend think you might be interested in the future if you know you won't be. But you should try to be sensitive to how your friend is feeling.
7. Don’t Look For Substitute - Don't start dating someone else to try to put your friend off. They need to understand that you don't want relationship with them. If you start dating someone new, your friend may think that you'll be available when you split with the new guy.
It's awkward to be put in the position of having to say no, but perhaps it is better that your friend knows you're not interested in dating them, rather than keep on hoping.
Friday, October 17, 2014
7 Things To Do When You And Your Boyfriend Are Not Talking
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7 Things To Do When You And Your Boyfriend Are Not Talking |
It is a tough time when you both are not talking you feeling stressful, upset and feel like things could never be right in your world. These are some suggestion of things that you can do when you and your boyfriend are not talking to make it easier for you to handle.
1. Give Him Time To Think – Generally if you both are not talking there must be an argument or disagreement between you both on any topic. That can feel very overwhelming to some guys. They generally need more time than we do to process their thoughts and emotion after a conflict. So one of the thing is to back off little when you and your boyfriend are not talking.
2. Consider Your Part In The Disagreement – It can be wise to consider your part in disagreement when you and your partner are not talking. Consider it perhaps you were wrong. Taking responsibility for your part in an argument is a mature action.
3. Think About What You Want To Say – It’s also good to think about what you want to say when you and your boyfriend do talk again. Think about the main ideas you want to share.
4. Talk to Friend – It can be good to hash through the situation with a wise friend. They can give you an outstanding opinion and even brings things to light you may not have considered.
5. Go Have Some Fun – There is no need to sit around moping and crying when you and your boyfriend aren't talking. Getting out can help get your mind off of it.
6. Let Him Miss You – It’s good to let your guy to miss you little bit. Of course you can call him but sometimes it’s good to let him miss when you both are in argument to let him know your value.
7. Re-evaluate The Relationship - It's also wise to take the time you aren't talking to re-evaluate your relationship a little bit. Are there any red flags you should be seeing? Is it a normal disagreement that most couples might have? Or is it an argument you're having because your boyfriend is controlling, selfish or overly jealous? Evaluating the relationship is sometimes important to do.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Top 9 Signs You And He Became One
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Top 9 Signs You And He Became One |
1. First and Last Thoughts Are of Each Other – One of the most obvious sign that you and he became one is when your first thought in the morning and last thought in the night is of him. He doesn’t even have to be around. Yet you naturally think of him you can’t help but smile. This is the sign that you are so happy and comfortable with someone then just thinking of the bringing you peace and joy. Both of you simply can’t help thinking about each other daily.
2. Imperfection Are Adorable – So many of us can’t help but dwell on our partner’s imperfection. When two of you became one you just love all his imperfection and he loves yours. They are not annoying instead they are something that makes him more attractive and unique. Those imperfections make him perfect too.
3. Sharing Friend Time – Except for double dates. Now you love bringing each other along. You see each other not only a partner but best friends. Odds are your friends readily accept him/her. More you want to come along with your friends and he love bringing you along with guys.
4. Talk About Insecurities Without Judgment – One of the hardest parts for being in relationship is sharing your insecurities. When you are one you don’t even have to think twice. He makes you feel comfortable sharing any and everything. The reason he won’t judge you the same goes for him. The more you share about each other the more you become closer.
5. Tons Of Inside Jokes – When we are single we love to see couple laughing at their own private jokes inside. When you are with your guy it’s amazing when you find that the two of you have your own set of inside jokes. The best part you keep creating more. It’s sign how much you have shared how much you both enjoy each other companies.
6. No One Else Appeals To You – We all notice when someone else is attractive. However when you are one you notice it, but it doesn’t really appeal to you. Instead you both are attracted to each other. No one else does it for but him. He sees you as the sexiest woman alive. It’s may seem crazy, but you really don’t notice other the same way.
7. Thinking Of Him Is Calming – When your face is with stressful situation and you need soothing thoughts help calm you. It’s your first thought is of him/her that makes you calm. He becomes the rock during the worst time in your life. He feels the same for you. All you have to do think a happy moment with him/her and suddenly you will feel better.
8. Silliness Is Encouraged – Do you love to dance, but you are horrible at it? You might just do it alone or with him. You don’t mind being silly in fact he enjoy this. When you both enjoy being silly around each other, you are truly comfortable with each other.
9. Doubts Disappear – No matter how great is your relationship at start, we all have some reservation about the future. As the doubts fade away as the two of you became one. You simply know that no matter what happen, you will get through together. You don’t fear the future, you look forward to it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
7 Reasons To Be Friends Before Lover
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7 Reasons To Be Friends Before Lover |
The best love relationships are sometimes the ones that are
based on prior friendship. It can give your relationship a definite advantage.
There are some reasons how you both feel a unique advantage if a couple is
friends before lovers.
1. You Know Each Other – One of the best thing about friends before lovers is you both know each other well and know your likes and dislikes. You don’t have to enter in a relationship and start from scratch.
2. You Can Have Heart to Heart Chat – When you are friends before lover you know that your partner has ability to share your heart this makes a great and unique advantage for you both.
3. Friendship is Important In Relationship – Being friends is an important element in a love relationship. You need enjoy each others' company as friends do and have a romance. When you are friends before lovers you have that you just don’t need to develop this. Your relationship has strong basis at this point.
4. You Obviously Have Things In Common – When you are friends you obviously found some things common in you both that makes it much easier to enjoy and do things together.
5. You Care About One Another – When you are friend before lover you care about one another .You just doesn't have to develop a concern for each others' feelings because you already have that. This adds a wonderful depth to your relationship.
6. It’s A Way Of Taking Things Slow – Your friendship gave your relationship slow but steady and strong foundation.
7. Friendship Is The Best Basis For A Relationship – You will also have your friendship even in the time your relationship seems little dry. Your friendship will help you stay committed and strong. It can also help you in the way to find the way to put sizzle back in your relationship.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
7 Things You shouldn’t worry about in a Strong relationship
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7 Things You shouldn’t worry about in a Strong relationship |
1. Morning Messiness – Waking up next to your partner with messy hairs or whether the makeup you forgot remove has smudged overnight. No matter how you look he will still consider you beautiful. One of the thing you shouldn’t worry about is your partner find you attractive?
2. Fabulous Friends – If your partner has hot friends that are of any gender that they are attracted to. Don’t be nervous. It’s okay to be uncomfortable with them hanging out one on one.
3. Gift Giving - If you don’t have enough money to buy your partner a present of their dream he would not mind for that.
4. What They Think – You want his family members and his friend to like you but it’s not the end of the world if they don’t. If you both are in long relationship then they all will be able to see how much you both care for each other.
5. What You Wear – its fine to worry about what you wear in party and how much do you weight, but only if you are worried for you only. It would be nice to impress him, but you should be wearing what you like not what you think he would like.
6. Lame Light Fights – You are going to fight. You are going to say things that you don’t mean. It doesn’t mean you love each other any less it’s just mean you have to figure out the way to work out your issues so that relationship can continue. It’s impossible to spend rest of the life without arguing every once in a while.
7. Your Perfect Personality – Don’ freak when he laugh at girl’s jokes more than yours. Don’t be upset if he seems to like girls that are outgoing when you are shy. But still he is with you because he wants to be with you. Don’t change your personality to please him, because he already loves the way you are.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Seven Strange Things Guys Find Attractive In Women
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Seven Strange Things Guys Find Attractive In Women |
1. Fear – Fear is the first thing that guys found attractive. Guys don’t want to wish deep fear on a girl but seeing her little her a little afraid give him the chance to step in and comfort her and play the hero.
2. Seeing Her a Mess – Most guys do appreciate when a women makes an effort to look pretty through dressing nice, fixing her hairs and doing make up and they also find it attractive when they also see her undone. Most of the men report that this gives them a secret window to know who she is.
3. Wearing Glasses – Guys found women attractive in glasses according to them glasses are more attractive then lenses.
4. Wearing Camo - The guy was stressing that a man would find camo attractive on a woman because it meant she could be his hunting buddy. It makes sense. But it doesn’t have to be wearing camo that makes you attractive. Basically, a woman that has a shared interest with a man is attractive to him.
5. Watching You When Applying Make Up – It is a fact that guys love to see women applying makeup, it amazed them how precisely that woman can do this. They also seem to be amazed that each women has her own unique style with her make up.
6. Your Accent - An accent can be very attractive to a guy. They will usually think that your accent is very cute to listen to.
7. Stretch Marks - Stretch marks are something that most women are very unhappy about but your partner probably loves them. They remind him of the fact you carried his baby. He loves that you allowed your body to protect and shelter a child until it came into the world, including the fact that they gave you stretch marks.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Tips How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy?
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014
10 Simple Ways To Impress Her
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10 Simple Ways To Impress Her |
1. Make Eye Contact – It can be tempting to look a beautiful woman up and down, and more the beautiful she is, the harder it is to concentrate on the conversation. Attract her towards eye contact.
2. Be well groomed - Women want their men to be well groomed. They want them to look and smell good all the time. That doesn't mean you necessarily have to be clean-shaven, but any facial hair you do have should be well maintained.
3. Talk About Her – women love to talk about themselves. Make compliments parse her beauty.
4. Ignore Your Phone - Too many men think it’s perfectly acceptable to take a phone call or fire off an e-mail while you’re on a date or in the middle of a conversation. Well, we have news for you: It’s uncivil. When you’re talking to a woman, let her see you silence your phone or turn it off completely show her she has your undivided attention.
5. Be Honest With Her – Women hate dishonest men and they are great at sniffing out a lie.
6. Tell Funny But Non- Offensive Jokes – Women are attracted to man with a sense of humour.
7. Hold Her Hand In Public – Women dig guys that aren't afraid of holding hands in public.
8. Keep The Conversation Interesting – Don’t bore her with lame subjects such as weather, your crappy jobs or about crazy ex-girlfriends.
9. Put Your Arm Around Her – Women love being touched. This is a great way to show affection.
10. Compliment Her Positivity – Telling women she gives off a “Happy vibe” will make her feel good. That’s the vibe most people want to give off all the time. It also allows you to then ask her about the things in her life that make her so happy, which will make her feel even better, positive feelings that she’ll ultimately associate with talking to you.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Fifteen Signs To Know That He Loves You
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Fifteen Signs To Know That He Loves You |
Signs –
1. Eye Contact – Eye contact matters a lot most guys, when they are not interested in something or nervous they look away. If your man is constantly looking into your eyes, constantly keeping up eye contact, that is one of the first signs he is in love with you!
2. Interested In You – When a man interested in girl, he wants to know her deepest secret, her wants and desires, her dreams and how she get inspired. When these type of questions starts coming up from your man that the sign he is in love.
3. Cuddling – when he couldn't stop himself touching you and constantly cuddling you that the sign he is in love with you.
4. Small Touches – Small touches are different from cuddling. A soft touch to the small of your back, to the crook of your arm and to the back of your neck, these small touches are the sign that he is really into you.
5. Introduce You – when he doesn't afraid of introducing you with his friends or family. He knows that no matter what they think, they are going to see how happy he is and instantly love her. When he is introducing you this is the first sign that he loves you.
6. Text you First – when your man calling you and texting you that you have a got good guy that he really cares about you. There are guys out there that don't leave their girlfriend sweet texts during their work day or in the middle of the night so they will see it in the morning. If your guy is doing that, he's definitely in love with you!
7. Makes You Laugh – If your guy makes you laugh and really let you feel special, he is probably going to be the one that ends up at the end of the aisle for you!
8. Spends time with you – If your boyfriend is constantly looking for an excuse to spend time with you, he is probably in love. Whether it is seeing you for lunch or just popping over so he can spend some time with you.
9. Gets a Little Jealous - It's completely normal if he feels a little jealous in certain situations as long as it's not intense, because most of the time if guys are jealous, that means they have feelings for you. It's something that they do inadvertently and unconsciously but it gives the girls a hint into what they are really feeling!
10. Talks About The Future – If he is telling you the plans to move in the future. If he makes long-term plans with you or jokes about what you two would be like ten years from now, he is indirectly stating that he has no intention of letting you go! No guy will start talking about your future together unless he is sure about his feelings.
11. He compromises - One of the more obvious signs that he loves you is that he is willing to compromise even if deep down inside he doesn't want to. So if he starts to meet you in the middle without being stubborn then he is really trying! Selflessness is one of the first signs that he is truly in love with you.
12. He Is Protective – When guy is really protective about your well-being, it means that his feeling for you strong. If you go on a trip by yourself or hang out with your friends until late and he gives you a call after your get home and can relax after knowing that you are safe and sound, he loves you even if he can't admit it himself.
13. He Can’t Stay Mad At You - If your guy can't stay mad at you for more than a couple of hours, its love! People who are in love can't stay angry at each other for too long without regretting it. So if he makes the first move to make up with you and apologizes even if he is not wrong, he truly cares about you.
14. He Values Your Opinion - If he always values your opinion and anything that you have to say, it means that he values you as a whole! You can make sure of that if you see him asking for your opinion before making a big decision or talking to you about something that's bothering him! Although it's nothing really big, it can reveal a lot!
15. Says "Love You" - Finally, when he admits that he loves you, that is when you know for sure that he does.
As you can see, spotting signs he loves you is not easy, but if you pay attention, you might be able to tell the exact moment when he falls for you. If you have a boyfriend that hasn't admitted his love yet, just wait it out and look for these signs he loves you!